Welcome to Days 1,685.
Today is a heavier than yesterday for site news, so let's begin.
First up in While & After news, the following updates have occurred:
- The blog entry, entitled "Spot #2,017 Tournament Predictions: Quarterfinals" has been hyperlinked on the External Entries page
- Spot #2,017 Tournament Predictions: First Round has moved to Fresh At The Time
- Steve Kaycee's Super Bowl 57 prediction has posted to the Steve Believes page
In news pertaining to The S-Factor page, Steve Kaycee's eBay listing of The Boat (format VHS) successfully sold.
In poll news, the corresponding poll for Spot #2,017 Tournament Predictions: First Round has moved to the Archived Polls page.
In news pertaining to the First Branch of the Art Infliction/Spenny product line, a new product has launched, with it being the "Art Infliction Team Success T-Shirt, Unisex" via Customized Girl.
In more news pertaining to both the Steve Believes page and Archived Polls page, wording updates/corrections have been applied to them.
And finally in Land Of Infusion news, the following updates have occurred:
- Groundhog Day and Incredibles 2 have both been enshrined into the Two ThouCentennial page rankings
- Two movies have moved up from Tier 3 to Tier 2
- Code Of Silence, Mr & Mrs. Smith, Fury, The Witch, Stash House, Delores Claiborne, Original Sin and The Fog were all eliminated from contention for the 2,017th overall guaranteed Two ThouCentennial spot
Well, that's all for now.
Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.